The genesis of Covid-19, we are now settling into a “new normal”.

As as result of current social, economic and health situation especially with the genesis of Covid-19, we are now settling into a “new normal”.

As companies, schools and other businesses begin reopening and relaxing stay-at-home orders, management and entrepreneurs are reviewing their plans for returning to work. As your employees begin returning to work, what are the key things to consider to ensure that everything is safe and secure?

The knock on effect of returning to work in the current climate is that a lot of people will be working remotely, while other businesses will need to work at 75% capacity in order to ensure that there is physical distancing or social distancing. Either of the above models will need to be tailored to suit the relevant organisation.

There are important decisions to be made that require the involvement of different groups, including HR, operations, stakeholders, and shareholders. Any plan to reopen should take into account technology, background checks, and appropriate use of physical office space taking into consideration remote working from an unsecured source to the company secure network.

This ‘new normal’ will of necessity involve additional checks not earlier thought of including verification of addresses of staff members working from home and when the last time addresses for relevant staff were verified.

Let’s take this further, have background checks on your staff been performed? Are you sure those who work for you are who they claim to be and also verifying the security of the device and network they are using to remotely access the company network.

Experience has shown us that FRAUD undetected without background checks eventually robs businesses of their reputation, revenue and impacts the bottom line.

In order to forestall these events and protect the company assets and bottom line, kindly contact us at GFF consulting by telephone on 08098027322
Or email on [email protected] to discuss all your background check consulting needs

DISCLAIMER: Comments expressed here do not reflect the opinions of FraudXpose or any employee thereof.

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